fourteen hundred and forty-six

fourteen hundred and forty-six

in fourteen hundred and forty-six days
this will be past
anguish and outrage
heartsickness and shame
relics to lay by
against future need

in fourteen hundred and forty-six days
we will move on
gathering shattered shards of
lives torn asunder
rising from the ash heap to
rebuild what we can

in fourteen hundred and forty-six days
we will stand side by side
taking the hand
of friend and stranger
promising truth and
practicing compassion

in fourteen hundred and forty-six days
we will turn the page
showing mercy where
none has been shown
foregoing vengeance
lest its lure ruin us

in fourteen hundred and forty-six days
we will look to the future
mourning the damage
that cannot be undone
but believing the arc
does bend toward justice

3 thoughts on “fourteen hundred and forty-six

  1. So sad. . . But we trust the pendulum swings again toward justice and mercy, kindness and compassion.

  2. I pray for God’s help and strength to make it through these fourteen hundred and forty-six days!!!!

  3. Tim, I liked the beginning and the ending. Your math was perfect – 1,446 days. You even accounted for leap day! And I believe the ending – the arc will bend toward justice. Justice suffered greatly under the last administration. Justice became political, but I sense a return to a blinded justice in the next 1,446 days. Without that, our constitutional republic will fail.
    Regarding the demise of USAID, those initials stand for the United States Agency for International Development. It is not an aid organization. Its purpose is to curry favor with foreign governments in ways that other US government agencies cannot perform. The only people that will go hungry will be the leaders of foreign dictatorships and the holders of our 36 trillion-dollar national debt.

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