The greatest commandments
When asked to name the greatest commandment, Jesus answered with two: Love the Lord your God, with all your heart and mind and strength, and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
How do 1) revoking the humanitarian parole of persons fleeing deadly violence in their homelands, 2) denying HIV medications necessary to the well-being and survival of infected patients, 3) forbidding health organizations from inter-agency communication, thus hampering their ability to respond swiftly and smartly to the next national or global pandemic, 4) coveting the territories of other sovereign nations, 5) making disaster assistance contingent on acquiescence to unrelated political agendas — how do any of these actions in any way fulfill the laws Jesus said matter most?
3 thoughts on “The greatest commandments”
Listening to news reports about deportation of persons who had fled violence brought tears to my eyes and heart.
Yes, this is just meanness and vindictiveness. So sad and so scary.
The past 7 days have been so painful for many. It makes my heart hurt.