The Gift
This morning’s prompt for our weekly writers group was this: “You receive a beautifully wrapped gift. What is inside?” This is what I wrote …
The Gift
The gift was left outside our porch door on the morning of April 21, 2025, my birthday. When I opened the door to let Eilidh outside, there it was, an unexpected and happy surprise. The package was cubed in shape, seven inches to a side, and the wrapping simple and elegant, redolent of the much-awaited spring, a opalescent-white paper printed with sprigs of lavender. The rendering of the interwoven silvery-green stems and delicate purple flowers was exquisite, so much so that I could almost smell the intoxicating woody scent of the lavender blossoms.
In fact, I did smell that wonderful fragrance. The package was encircled by strips of a pale green ribbon, tied at the top into a simple six-looped bow. Bound into the knot at the center of the bow were three freshly-cut lavender sprigs, extending to the edges of the package, each mounted between two of the loops of ribbon, their number marking not the directions of the compass, which are four, nor the elements — air, earth, fire, and water — because they are four in number, too. Instead, the three bring to mind the primary passions of the human spirit — faith and hope and love.
There was no tag on the gift, nothing to indicate from whom it came or for whom it was intended, but since it was my birthday, I assumed the gift was meant for me. I stooped to lift the package from the grey-painted porch deck and held it in both hands as Eilidh ran around the yard, stopping here and there, now and then, to sniff the awakening earth and to do her jobs. The gift was light, of little heft, its feel giving scant clue as to what lay inside.
I did not hazard any guess. I did not want to hazard any guess, because what lay inside that package — if anything at all — did not matter to me. It was the promise of its giving, the generous act of its being shared, the enchanting elegance of its presentation that mattered to me. When Eilidh was finished and ready to go back inside, I carried the gift in my hands to my bedroom at the back of the house and placed it on a shelf of the tall darkly-stained pine cabinet next to my side of the bed where it sits even now, ever a gracious reminder that I am loved.